How to Encourage ESL Parents?
How to encourage ESL parents: ESL is English as a second language. As we all know that English is an international language. When we go out of the country that is the only language that connects us with others.we communicate in the English language with others. If your kids are going to school then as a parent it is compulsory to go for ESL. Only in that way you can keep yourself connected with the activities of your child. You can take part in your child’s school activities. In recent research, it is revealed that when parents are involved in school activities for their children, they give remarkable performances academically.
According to the recent studies from the U.S National center of Education statistics, 10 percent of our student population is English language learners.
Schools should take part in the learning of the English language for Parents as well. They should encourage parents to ESL by applying different strategies. They should effectively integrate parents of different nationalities. There are many ways in which you can encourage parents to ESL, some of the tips are given below.
Create English Language classes for Adults
English language classes for adults can help many parents to learn a second language. It’ll promote English language learning and parents can indulge themselves more in child’s activities. Parents can communicate with one another and keep an eye on their children. In that way, they can feel more connected to their child. The school will also get equal benefits as parents can help their children academically.
Connect with Parents in their Native Language
So before encouraging parents to ESL, it is essential to connect with them in their native language.
It is required for the school to communicate to the less proficient English Parents in their first language. In that way, parents have a better understanding of school programs and activities.
Initiate a Welcoming School Environment
the school needs to create a welcoming school environment so that parents can feel welcome while communicating. The front office should consist of bilingual staff that can conversant with the parents of different nationalities. A culturally diverse staff can ease the situation. People who have experience in communicating with people of different ethnicities can fill the gap between native and non-native speakers. The administration should also be bilingual so that communication can be done easily.
Sharing Community Services
Many ESL parents are struggling hard financially. They worked hard to complete their child’s education and meet other financial needs. If they are newcomers to the U.S, they are not aware of the fact where to go for essential services themselves. Schools can share the community services with them and help them to meet basic needs. Many of the services include health insurance, dental care, transportation, food assistance, mental health association, domestic abuse support, and substance abuse help.
Their Part In Classroom
To make them close to their child’s studies, invite them to their child’s classroom. They need to take part in the classroom so that they can get the idea of different ways of learning. Give them different questionnaires to access their knowledge. Maximize their knowledge and use it in their child’s mental development. You can involve them by giving them different jobs if they volunteer. You can invite them to jobs such as stapling papers, collecting data, monitoring their performances, etc.
Invite them to English Classes
Many parents are willing to learn the English language but there are many obstacles that they face. These obstacles held them back from learning the language. there are many obstacles such as
- Lack of confidence
- Lack of transportation
- Difficult work schedules
- Unaware of free classes
- Financial crises
- Illegal immigrants
Schools can help them to overcome such obstacles by taking initiatives, such as conducting English classes for children at the same place and time as English classes for parents, free ESL classes, and flyers should be provided to parents about classes with time and date.
Invite Parents to Welcome Dinner
An effective way to draw parents’ attention to school and its community is through food. You can send them proper invites for the dinner. You can initiate the importance of the English Language at the dinner possibly in a language they understand. Listen to their views and gather information about what they think about the ESL. Try to shed light on ESL as much as you can with different strategies. You can plan different activities before serving dinner that can increase their interest in dinner and ESL as well.
Ensure the Importance of English Language
This is another way to make them realize the importance of ESL. By ensuring the importance of language you can encourage them to learn English as a second language. Schools can deliver the importance of language in many ways, for example conduct one-day workshops on the English language.
- You can conduct weekend classes for the parents so that they should have free time.
- Send small assignments to the parents regarding the English Language.
- One of the most effective ways is to conduct online classes so that parents can learn a second language at the ease of their homes. You can keep the time of classes which is effective for all parents.
- Ask parents to deliver speeches in the English language about some particular topic. This will boost their confidence as well.
- You can ask parents to send small videos telling about their day in the English language.
- Appreciate parents’ small efforts instead of correcting their mistakes. You can correct their mistakes smartly.
So, above mentioned are the effective ways to encourage ESL in parents. Parents must encourage ESL as it is beneficial for them to flourish in society. It is also beneficial in a way they can do upbringing their child in a more effective way. ESL also helps them to move forward in their professions as well. It will help them to indulge in society more easily.
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